ExFF25 Diaries: Food is not the enemy

Yesterday I met with two amazing women – one in person, Michell Tenreiro, and one online, Nathalie Sansonetti.
Watch out for a series of events, some online and some in person, about “Food is not the enemy”!
This is all part of our Exmoor Food Fest celebrations (we’re ten in Feb ’25, but I believe in celebrating birthdays over months!).

Put 24 June, 7pm, into your diary for an interactive online chat with Nathalie about making your gut happy, allowing you to enjoy food even if you suffer from food intolerances.
In October, Nathalie will be running a couple of events at The Porlock Weir Hotel about the same topic. Dates and details to be confirmed!

This is all very exciting! Let me know if you’d like to know more.
Sign-up link for the online event will be available soon.

Stemming from 15 years helping clients restore their gut health, I will be offering knowledge, tools and techniques to help dispel a lot of myths and misunderstandings around food.
With the aim to help people appreciate and fall in love with beautiful food again – instead of fearing it and depriving themselves of one of humankind’s exquisite pleasures..

Natalie Sansonetti

Pic is today’s view from The Porlock Weir Hotel.

Published by Elke Koessling Winzer

Communications/ PR Expert. Helping small business owners to step into the limelight with the help of traditional & social media as well as virtual and real-life events.

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